NCAA Tournament in 1977, 93, 94, 95, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
Next to a player’s hometown is his career
games played and points scored, when
Abrams, James (
Atlanta, Ga.. ...................... 106/1,035
Abrams, Wayne
Atlanta, Ga.. ...................... 109/1,426
Acquah, Kobby
Cape Coast, Ghana....................... 8/2
Aiken, David
Zeigler, Ill.
Aldridge, Bill
Wolf Lake, Ill.
Allen, Brandon
Milwaukee, Wis............................ 3/0
Allen, Charles
Allen, Merritt
Carbondale, Ill.
Alms, Edgar
Pinckneyville, Ill.
Amaya, Ashraf
Oak Park, Ill....................... 128/1,864
Anderson, Jeff
Mt. Zion, Ill.. ................................ 6/0
Armstrong, Jordan
Muncie, Ind................................ 21/2
Baggett, Gene
Marion, Ill................................. 18/32
Bailey, Paul
Bailey, Ralph
Carbondale, Ill.
Baker, Guy
Bardo, Harold
Sparta, Ill.. .............................. 78/435
Barker, Rex
Norris City, Ill.. ....................... 46/321
Bass, Cecil
Carbondale, Ill.
Beane, Anthony
Normal, Ill.............................. 31/283
Beaty, Paul
Zeigler, Ill.
Bechtold, Roger
Belleville, Ill.. ......................... 50/168
Belcher, Marcus
Mexico, Mo............................ 66/350
Bell, Tyrone
Evanston, Ill.......................... 123/990
Belts, Calvin
Maplewood, Mo........................... 5/0
Benson, Chuck
Atlanta, Ga.. ........................... 73/755
Benton, Ed
Kansas City, Mo........................ 11/18
Bibbens, Cleveland
Pittsburgh, Pa.......................... 56/684
Bigham, Eldon
Pinckneyville, Ill..................... 81/592
Birch, Roy
Atchison, Kan.. ....................... 54/585
Birkner, Carl
Pinckneyville, Ill.
Blamey, James
Leicester, Mass.......................... 21/32
Blythe, Edward
Carbondale, Ill........................ 44/114
Blythe, Richard
Gary, Ind................................. 67/491
Bocot, Justin
Bloomington, Ill.................... 117/787
Bolden, Jim
Memphis, Tenn.. ......................... 9/28
Bone, Joshua
Nashville, Tenn....................... 53/306
Bonifield, Ryan
Carterville, Ill................................ 4/1
Booker, Anthony
Florissant, Mo......................... 59/297
Borgsmiller, Frank
..................................................... 5/9
Boston, Sean
Chicago, Ill................................... 6/2
Boswell, Arlie Sr.
Anna, Ill.
Boyle, Tony
DeSoto, Mo.. ........................ 132/587
Boynton, Ricky
Columbus, Ga.. ...................... 59/176
Bozarth, Ernie
Waltonville, Ill.
Bradley, Curtis
Bradley, Martin
Oxford, Conn.. ........................... 23/4
Brasfield, L.C.
Carbondale, Ill........................ 46/877
Bricker, Herbert
Bridges, Rolland
Carbondale, Ill.
Brimm, John
Creal Springs, Ill.
Broadway, Charles
Cobden, Ill.
Brock, Max
Brooks, Clyde
Carbondale, Ill.
Brooks, Austin
Evansville, Ind........................... 30/24
Brooks, Darren
St. Louis, Mo...................... 134/1,761
Brooks, Marvin
Memphis, Tenn.. ..................... 58/481
Brooks, Thurman
Memphis, Tenn.. ..................... 53/173
Brown, Lance
West Frankfort, Ill...................... 61/58
Brown-Surles, Kendal
Evansville, Ind....................... 117/721
Brueckner, Rich
Nokomis, Ill.................................. 3/4
Bryan, Ed
Freeburg, Ill.
Bryer, Antonio
Norview, Va.............................. 21/32
Bryson, Seymour
Quincy, Ill.......................... 100/1,529
Bufford, Nate
Auburn, Ala.. .......................... 54/687
Buhs, Terry
Bunker Hill, Ill.......................... 19/23
Buie, Tyrese
Savannah, Ga.. ....................... 66/304
Bundy, William
(1926, 29)
East St. Louis, Ill.
Burkett, Charles
East St. Louis, Ill.
Burzynski, Scott
Valier, Ill............................... 105/489
Busch, David
Hoopeston, Ill......................... 58/148
Butchko, Bruce
Crete, Ill.................................. 62/460
Byrd, Ken
Toledo, Ohio. ......................... 54/445
Byrdlong, Harold
Chicago, Ill................................... 2/2
Cabutti, Leedio
Johnston City, Ill.
Cade, Donald
Hoopeston, Ill.
Camp, Rod
Washington, D.C.. .................. 49/543
Campbell, Bernard
Robbins, Ill.. ........................... 55/740
Campbell, Fred
Herrin, Ill.
Carlile, Daren
Benton, Ill..................................... 1/0
Carney, David
Tell City, Ind.............................. 38/15
Carr, Chris
Pilot Knob, Mo.. .................. 93/1,251
Carson, Gilbert
Cisne, Ill.
Carter, Donald
Carbondale, Ill.
Carter, Edgar
Chance, Paul
Salem, Ill.
Cherry, John
Vienna, Ill............................... 24/205
Church, Bruce
Marissa, Ill.
Clark, Bob
Canton, N.Y.............................. 17/19
Clemmons, Wesley
Indianapolis, Ind................... 129/532
Cleveland, Mykel
Mobile, Ala............................... 29/93
Cliatt, Jac
(1978-80, 82)
Columbus, Ga.. ...................... 62/110
Colborn, Robert
Flora, Ill.
Collins, Calvin
(1943, 46)
Du Quoin, Ill.
Collum, Ricky
Racine, Wisc........................... 60/623
Conrad, Terry
Rockton, Ill................................... 9/3
Cooksey, Jerry
..................................................... 3/0
Cooper, Wendell
Murphysboro, Ill........................... 4/9
Coopwood, DIon
Calumet City, Ill........................ 26/10
Copeland, James
Chicago, Ill............................. 54/388
Corbin, Dan
Villa Grove, Ill.. ........................ 19/27
Cornelius, Christian
Oak Park, Ill.............................. 28/46
Correll, Bob
Centralia, Ill.
Corzine, Loyd
Centralia, Ill.
Cox, Verdie
Carbondale, Ill.
Crawshaw, Clyde
Carbondale, Ill.
Crews, Alan
DuQuoin, Ill................................. 9/9
Cross, Joshua
Carbondale, Ill...................... 120/787
Crowder, Jack
Wichita, Kan........................... 54/214
Dadzie, Johnny
Harare, Zimbabwe.................. 47/130
Dahncke, Julian
Effingham, Ill.. .............................. 5/7
Dale, Mike
Fairview Heights, Ill................ 37/166
Daniels, Dantiel
Wentzville, Mo....................... 55/439
Darring, Michael
Chicago, Ill................................... 4/4
da Silva, Marcelo
Rio de Janiero, Brazil............ 100/494
Davidson, Eugene
Harrisburg, Ill.
Davidson, Gerald
Odin, Ill.
Davis, David
(1950, 54)
Pinckneyville, Ill....................... 18/57
Davis, Galen
Du Quoin, Ill.
Davison, Ralph
Johnston City, Ill.
Day, Mike
..................................................... 1/0
Dearman, Jermaine
Indianapolis, Ind................ 130/1,446
Demster, Wayne
Gorham, Ill.
Dillard, Kevin
Homewood, Ill........................ 60/734
Dillow, Donald
Dongola, Ill.
Dixon, Clark
Benton, Ill..................................... 2/0
Dodge, Ray
Scheller, Ill.
Dohanich, George
Colp, Ill.
Doolan, Bryan
(1918, 20-21)
Kinmundy, Ill.
Doss, Gus
East St. Louis, Ill...................... 38/462
Drew, Chris
Springfield, Ill.. ........................... 15/4
Drinkard, Davante
Toccoa, Ga.. ........................... 75/155
Duane, Sammy
Galatia, Ill................................. 17/65
Duncan, Bill
Herrin, Ill.
Durham, Harry
Wood River, Ill.
Dusharm, Ken
Pulaski, N.Y.. .......................... 27/183
Eadie, Jack
West Frankfort, Ill.
Early, Jeff
Glasgow, Va............................ 61/656
Echols, Stanley
Galatia, Ill.
Eckert, Shirlan
Herrin, Ill.
Eldridge, Bob
LaPorte, Ind.. .......................... 22/151
Emery, Russell
Carterville, Ill.
Engle, Jerry
..................................................... 2/6
Enrietta, Robert
West Frankfort, Ill.
Essenpreis, Larry
Highland, Ill.. ........................... 10/13
All-Time Roster