2012-13 Media Guide
Saluki Men’s Tennis
ommunity Service
The CHAMPS Program
was designed to address the
student-athlete as a whole
person, not just a student or
athlete. During the college
years, every student-athlete
is confronted with a variety
of developmental challenges.
The program is designed to
address these challenges. The
CHAMPS program provides
a wel l-rounded program
for all student-athletes to
develop the skills necessary
to lead successful, productive
lives, and become leaders
of, and contributors to life.
The CHAMPS Program
consists of five commitments:
Ac a d em i c Ex c e l l e n c e ,
A t h l e t i c E x c e l l e n c e ,
Pe r sona l De ve l opment ,
Career Development and
Community Service.
Community Service
We are proud of the level
of commitment shown by
our student-athletes here at
Southern Illinois University.
Student-athletes and coaches
at SIU are dedicated to giving
back to the community that
so generously supports them.
Our student-athletes give of
their time, their most valuable
commodity, demonstrating
that they take an active part
in the community and are
dedicated to serving others
off the field through their
volunteer service.The Student
Se r v i ce s Of f i ce c rea t e s
community service projects
designed to assist schools,
charities and other agencies
in the Southern Illinois area.
Saluki student-athletes are
encouraged to participate
i n c ommun i t y s e r v i c e
activities. By volunteering,
student-athletes are able to
enhance their leadership,
communication, organization
and people skills.
M V C “ J u s t R e a d ”
The Mi s s ou r i Va l l e y
Con f e r enc e “ J u s t Re ad ”
Program involves the men’s
and women’s teams going into
their local communities and
promoting reading activities
designed to enhance children’s
self-esteem and strengthen
their possibilities for success in
school.The programencourages
chi ldren’s l i teracy. Saluki
student-athletes make monthly
visits to elementary classes,
enhancing their leadership,
communication, organization
and people skills.
Troutt-Wittmann Facts
The academic portion
of the building has $45,000
in computer equipment ,
including 30 Dell computers
wi th wa l l -mounted f l at
screens. Study tables and
chairs can accommodate
an additional 60 student-
athletes.Three tutorial rooms
with study tables and internet
access allow privacy.Wireless
internet access is available
throughout the facility.
The training portion of the
building is five times larger
than the Salukis’ previous
weight room. It is equipped
with 12,000 pounds of new
weights and $150,000 of the
best weight equipment money
can buy, including 10 Power
Lif t multi-station lif ting
racks and eight Olympic lift
platforms. All equipment is
custom made.
Saluki head coach Dann Nelson at the SAAC Halloween Bash
Troutt-Wittman Weight Room