2012-13 Media Guide
Saluki Men’s Tennis
Troutt-Wittman Study Tables
Student Services
Student services staff
in Intercollegiate Athletics,
under the leadership of
Assistant Athletics Director
Kristina Therriault helps
student-athletes to reach
the i r fu l l pot ent i a l by
offering an academic support
program that will assist all
student-athletes with their
transition into college. This
all-encompassing support
cont inues through each
student-athlete’s collegiate
career until he or she earns a
bachelor’s degree.
Study Table
Study table is required
by those student-athletes
whose cumulative grade point
average is 2.50 or below.These
student-athletes are required
to study a minimum of six
hours per week in theTroutt-
Wittmann Academic Center.
All incoming freshmen and
transfer student-athletes are
also required to study for
a minimum of four hours
per week in the academic
The tutoring program
facilitates the learning process
of our student-athletes in a
comfortable and well-ordered
environment. The program is
a support mechanism that
has been created to help
student-athletes keep pace
with rigorous classes while
trying to maintain busy and
challenging academic and
athletic schedules. Tutoring
services are free of charge to
all student-athletes.
Academic Advisement
The academic units on
campus provide academic
adv i sement to s tudent-
athletes. Saluki student-
athletes receive pr ior i ty
advisement and registration
within their SIU academic
unit or major. Each unit
employs professional advisors
who meet with student-
athletes ear l ier than the
general student body. The
student services staff keeps
student-athletes updated
on the dates for whi ch
early academic advisement
appointments can be made.
Academic Monitoring
Academic performance
is monitored both formally
and informally by the student
services staff. During the
sixth and 12th week of each
semester, progress reports are
sent to all instructors of each
student-athlete. Instructors
complete the reports through
Grades First, an academic
management database, and
provide information about
attendance, participation,
grades and general comments.
Coaches and student-athletes
have access to academic
progress reports through
the Grades First website.
Monitoring of course progress
allows the student services
staff to become aware of
problems and provide the
assistance needed as quickly
as possible. A member of
the student services staff will
make every effort to contact
student-athletes and discuss
any academic problems that
may exist.
Computer Resources
Thirty computers loaded
with the latest educational
software, includingMicrosoft
Word, Powerpoint, Excel,
Access and Publisher are
avai lable in the Troutt-
W i t t m a n n A c a d e m i c
Center. Student-athletes
can al so research SIU’s
Morris Library or search the
World Wide Web. Laptop
computers are also available
for student-athletes to check
out when away from campus
for competition. Laptops
are equipped with wireless
internet capability.